Welcome to Mind-Body Connection 101!
It felt like a fitting way to start my wellness wisdom blog, as there are huge misconceptions as to what is the mind-body connection. It is not your fault, as too often still, the allopathic (western) medical system doesn’t acknowledge that the mind & body are correlated. Though it has been scientifically proven now that they are indeed connected. it is kind of like ‘teaching an old dog new tricks’ with conventional medicine and doctors (no offence). Many are stuck in their old beliefs and dogma, which we all tend to do (stay tuned for more on limiting beliefs in another post).
With mind-body connection, western medicine even has a fancy medical term for it – psychoneuroimmunology, so it is a wonder why it is not acknowledged more. Here are a couple articles, both titled, ‘What is the Mind-Body Connection?’ that explain further, one from the Newport Academy and another from the University of Minnesota.
Still most doctors completely discount your mind altogether.
I am not knocking the western medicine system (it is absolutely extraordinary for emergency medicine) but let’s be honest, it definitely has some ground to make up when it comes to solving chronic dis-ease and pain. Who here has seen little benefits for their chronic symptoms from the conventional medical regime?!? Me!! This is because they are only looking at your body, and even more specifically only the symptoms, and not even your body as a whole. Who has been sent to copious specialists for each part of their body showing symptoms?? A rheumatologist perhaps? A hematologist? An endrincologist? Me!! It is similar to taking your vehicle to a different ‘specialist’ mechanic for every part of your car – one mechanic for the engine, one for the alternator, one for the fuel pump. You get the idea. Yet your car, and your body and all its parts work intrinsically together, as a whole entity, and need to be looked at as unit to get to the issues. Okay now back to the MindBody connection…
When your mental health is suffering, chances are, your physical health is too, and vice versa. Think of a new building – the mind of it (the design / engineering) and the body of it (the physical building, parts & systems) must work together and co-create for the building to function effectively and efficiently – for it to flourish and be safe. Then you have to be sure to maintain the building – inside and out, from the attic down to the basement, with effort and intention. Otherwise, the house will age prematurely, not function well, and will start to erode. Your Mind-Body is the same! The mind + body are 100% connected – constantly existing and functioning together.
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How many people are stressed or anxious these days? I think almost everyone to some degree unfortunately. It is an epidemic.
This is something that doctors do often ask. However, they often don’t dig down to the ‘real stress’ – stress that may be hidden away, that we are unaware of, or unconscious of.
When we are stressed, our autonomic nervous system is constantly in fight or flight (same as if we running away from a lion constantly). This is extremely devastating to our health.
On my healing journey when I saw many doctors and practitioners, and was asked about stress copious times, I said I wasn’t stressed. And this was true! I had just moved to a beautiful new place where I found community and connection, after many years of immense struggle. I was finally happy after many years of known stress – I had go through a crushing divorce then was house-less living out of a very small van (a 1994 Plymouth Voyager to be exact) for 4 years being nomadic and feeling quite lost to be honest.
In these challenging years, and actually for my entire life, what I didn’t know is that I had no idea how to deal and process e-motions, and stress. Even with countless tears, I buried the e-motions, shoved them away. I didn’t have the knowledge or tools or even the support. But e-motions, trauma and stress don’t simply go away if we ignore them. On the contrary, they remain and stay stuck in our bodies. It is exceedingly destructive. These blockages create physical symptoms, sometimes immediately, sometimes many years down the road, even decades.
This is what happened to me. It was not my fault though, nor it is yours. Most of us weren’t shown how to process e-motions, or didn’t have a safe place to go after trauma. And this is also no fault of our parents either – they didn’t know, it’s a cycle. Society doesn’t help either. It teaches us to ‘just get on with this things’ – don’t show weakness, sensitivity or negativity. Many addictive habits are a result of avoiding stress.
But it is high time that we create a new reality and a new life for ourselves with Mind-Body awareness and healing. It is totally doable! You can absolutely learn how to deal with stress and e-motions effectively. I learned how, and anyone can. It has been a game-changer for me. My life has transformed. I have experienced deep healing emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. There are copious tools and resources to help us with this healing and transformation. Support is also crucial. I am here to guide you, and facilitate long-lasting heart-centered change.
Have you heard of the MindBody connection before?
What is your biggest struggle with health?
What is your journey with stress?
I hope you signed up to receive my free ‘Stress Stepfinder’ tool.
Reach out, send me an email, and introduce yourself. I’d love to hear from you.
With love & care, Trace
Your Health & Healing Coach